Submit a proposal
Proposals may be submitted for workshops, lecture courses and visitors.

Workshops, conferences and lecture courses
Workshops can range from quite large conferences to small meetings focused on a rather specific topic.
Lecture courses may be intensive block courses that last only for a few days, or consist of weekly lectures that run throughout a whole semester, or involve anything in between.
The Pauli Center funds activities that take place in the greater Zurich area. In addition to financial support the Pauli Center provides the infrastructure (i.e. meeting rooms and offices) as well as some administrative support for the organisation of the activity.
Proposals should always consist of the following:
- A description of the general area to which the topic of the program or workshop belongs.
- A description of the aim of the activity, as well as what is being planned in detail. (In particular, this should specify when the activity should take place, how long it should last, etc.)
- The list of organisers.
- A list of expected/possible participants.
- A rough estimate of the costs to the Pauli Center, other sources of funding, etc.
The total length of a proposal should not exceed 2 pages.
Long-term visitors and medium-term junior visitors
The mission of the Pauli Center is to bring scientists from all over the world to come to Zurich to interact with local and other visiting scientists and to enrich the graduate education or to initiate and promote particular collaborations.
Proposals for long-term visitors who could give advanced graduate lecture courses should consists of a short description of their scientific work and their CV. The total length of a proposal should not exceed 1 page.
Another possibility is to apply for funding of medium-term junior visitors (doctoral students or postdocs) in a streamlined application process. The idea is to provide support for collaborations with external junior researchers on a shorter notice. We will decide on these proposals as they come in (i.e. out of the regular half-annual cycle of the Pauli Center board meetings).
The conditions for the simplified application process for medium-term junior visitors are:
- duration of visit max. 2 weeks to host only 1 PhD or postdoc
- standard reimbursement of expenses (rate based on experience level)
- no work permit is required for a stay of up to 8 calendar days. In case a visa is needed, the application must be received 3 months before the planned visit.
Each year there are two submission dates for proposals:
mid-February and mid-September
(at the end of the first week of the semester)
Proposals can be submitted by individuals or groups of scientists, involving at least one professor from Switzerland. Proposals should be sent to the member of the external page local management board whose academic interests are closest to the proposed activity, with a copy to Leonardo Senatore (external page head of the Pauli Center) and Beatrix Huber.
Applications for medium-term junior visitors can be sent to the external page head of the Pauli Center and to the external page board member in charge of the corresponding field at any time.