The Schroedinger Visiting Professor in 2017 was Prof. George F. Sterman (Stony Brook University, USA).

Host: Prof. Charalampos Anastasiou

Dates of visit: March 12 - 25, 2017 and October 15 - 29, 2017

Schroedinger Lecture 2017

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Recording Schroedinger Lecture 2017

Title:     Imaging Fundamental Processes:  The Story of Jets

Date:     Monday, October 23, 2017

Time:     16.45 h
(followed by an apéro in the "Sääli", Foodmarket in building HPR)

Location: ETH Hönggerberg, building HPV, lecture hall G 4

Jets at particle colliders are our window into fundamental reactions that sometimes proceed through confined degrees of freedom that are invisible at long distances. I'll review some of the history and theory of particle jets, and how they reflect a crossroads between classical and quantum phenomena.



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