The Schroedinger Visiting Professor in 2018 is Prof. Sandu Popescu (University of Bristol, UK).
Host: Prof. Renato Renner
Dates of visit: December 1, 2018 - February 28, 2019
Schroedinger Lecture 2018
Title: The flow of time in quantum mechanics
Date: Monday, December 3, 2018
Time: 16.45 h
followed by an apéro in the Download Food Market (PDF, 299 KB), building HPR
Location: ETH Hönggerberg, building HPH, lecture hall G 3
Short courses:
Date: Tuesday, December 4, 2018
Time: 16.45 h
Location: new room: ETH Hönggerberg, building HCI, lecture room J 4
Date: Friday, December 7, 2018
Time: 15.45 h
Location: ETH Hönggerberg, building HIT, lecture room E 41.1
Additional lecture:
Date: Tuesday, December 11, 2018
Time: 16.45 h
Location: ETH Hönggerberg, building HIT, lecture room E 41.1